I guess the last time there was any blogging done I had just been real with all 2 of our loyal readers. I have to say that this might be another one of those posts. Life is hard...and I don't handle stress well at all. Since Paul has gotten laid off he has been to so many interviews I have lost count and still...no job. I have finished my certification and still...no job. People keep telling me God is faithful, and He will provide for us, and He has a plan for us. However, now that the severance package is nearing an end I am not sure how much of that I really believe anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I know these things to be true about God, but the question has become...do I trust Him. As scary as it was when Paul first got laid off at least we knew there was money for us to live off of. Now my faith is being tested, and we are running out of money.
I think pride is a HUGE issue in my life too. I mean a good friend of mine suggested that I apply for a Teacher Assistant position and I immediately reacted with the thought that "I am a certified teacher...why would I do that?". I also called my old boss at Primrose and talked to her...that seems like it isn't going to work out, but I still feel like I am too good to go back there sometimes...especially if I am not going to be Lead Teacher. How the heck did I become so prideful?
I know Paul is completely willing to do whatever so that we can have an income, but I think he has a college degree and work experience he should be able to get a job that someone with a college degree qualifies for. Looks like I have enough pride for the both us, and maybe that is what God is trying to work on.
I guess the biggest thing that you can pray for is that God will provide what we need even if we have to cut out some of the comforts we have come to know and love, that we can both have jobs that we are passionate about, that God will open doors for us, and that I can really trust in WHO HE IS because I know that He only desires the best for me.
Fun With Clothes
9 months ago