Today I read an article by Christianity Today with the author of "Blue Like Jazz". This article really made me think about who I am going to vote for in the upcoming election. If you don't know Donald Miller who wrote "Blue Like Jazz" is giving the benediction at the Democratic National Convention. As you can imagine some evangelicals don't agree with his decision. In the article he even says that he is voting democrat. I can understand why evangelicals are in an uproar about this since the Democratic Party is pro-choice and condone gay marriage. However, as I read this article I asked myself some questions. Why do I want to vote Republican?
Donald Miller stated "I really felt like the Republican Party was taking advantage of the evangelical community by throwing us abortion and gay marriage, really not giving the heart of Christ more thought. I felt like it was the party of the extremely wealthy and they needed this conservative base in order to get a majority and so they pandered to us. I felt used by the Republican Party in that sense. I started looking at the Democratic Party and looking at social issues that are affecting the world, seeing the presidency and Congress from a global perspectives. Even though many Democrats don’t identify themselves as evangelicals, many of the precepts of the party, charitable foundation of the party did reflect what evangelicals are about, the sanctity of human life, the importance of really not leaving people behind. I don’t think either party is the answer to the world’s problems. I lean toward solutions the Democrats seem to favor."
This quote made me realize that Jesus is not Democrat or Republican. Jesus was about helping those who were in need. Jesus cares about those unborn babies, and Jesus cares about the sanctity of marriage, but Jesus cares about those in need.
In an interview with Rick Warren Obama said that he is pro-life but feels like the choice should be left up to woman. He said that we don't need to just be for or against abortion but focus on lowering the number of unwanted pregnancies. In regards to gay marriage he said the he believes that marriage is between a man and woman but that we can afford to give homosexuals the right to a civil union.
McCain also interviewed with Rick Warren and even though he is more cut and dry with his views about abortion and gay marriage, when you look at his stance on anything else he isn't as clear.
I haven't decided who I am going to vote for yet, but I know I am going to pray about it. I also know that our country needs to start caring about the least of these.
Check out these articles:
Donald Miller
Obama, McCain and Rick Warren
Fun With Clothes
9 months ago
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