Over the past several years some people that I love have read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers (this is the book based on the story of Hosea...from the Bible). I bought the book a couple of months ago and Paul read it but I haven't had time yet. So Tuesday when I was frantically cleaning through tears I saw the book laying on Paul's nightstand and I moved it to my nightstand so that I can at least have it available to read. I also have a Bible on my nightstand so I sat down and began reading Hosea.
To be honest I wanted to see the words I love you, and I am going to continue pursuing you right on the page. Instead I got a story. A story about how woman who was a harlot was pursued by a husband who wouldn't give up on her. Then I read about Isreal, whom God calls a harlot because they are selling themselves to things that don't glorify Him. As a read the words I realized that I often am a harlot. I follow after things that don't glorify God, but He still pursues me, just as Hosea pursued his wife Gomer. It was such a blessing to know that God still desires me when I am in the midst a crazy life and I am not having faith in Him.
I love that God shows us so often His love and mercy right at the time that we really need it. I read on Matt Chandler's blog last night...he said that he is so grateful that scripture isn't fair because fair would mean that he would get the punishment he deserves for his sin. It really made me think about fairness, and I have to say that I am also grateful that I get to experience a redeeming love that allows me to live instead of pay the penalty for my sin which is death. Is God great!
Fun With Clothes
9 months ago
i love you
I loved that book too. A friend lent it to me and I was immediatly captured by the length and depth of love that God has for me... He loves you so much and I do too! Sabrina :)
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