Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cynthia's Top Five

1. 5 Things I Couldn't Live Without for Under $5
-Hand sanitizing wipes
-Bottled Water
-Neutrogena Lip Gloss
-Foundation from Mark.
-Nonfat vanilla latte

2. 5 Favorite Movies
-When Harry Met Sally
-Life is Beautiful
-Beauty and the Beast

3. 5 Baby Names I Love But Won't Use
-Douglasina (That's for you Doug;))

4. 5 Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over Again
-Amazing Grace (My chains are gone) by Chris Tomlin
-Lose My Voice by The Stillpoint Band
-At Last by Etta James
-When You Say Nothing at All by Allison Krauss
-She's Everything by Brad Paisley

5. 5 People Who Have Influenced My Life In A Positive Way
-My Husband
-My Parents
-Paul's Parents

6. 5 Things That Stay In My Purse At All Times
-Seizure Medicine
-Cell phone
-A pen

7. 5 Moments That Have Changed My Life Forever
-Becoming a Christian
-Summer Intern at the HCBC-Northwest
-Summer Intern with Troy S. at HCBC-Southwest
-Meeting Troy and Stevi

8. 5 Obessions I Have Right Now
-Studying for Teacher Certification Exams
-Finding a job (for both of us)
-Figuring out God's will for us and church
-My brand new niece Clara.
-Living by a budget

9. 5 Places I Would Like To Go
-Rainforest Hotel in Brazil
-New York City

10. 5 People I Would Like To See Their Top Five
-Elizabeth Engelhardt
-Sabrina Rauch
-Rebekah Smith
-Beth Crawford
-Kim Nevels


Schuknechts said...

I totally agree on Allison Krause...I just couldn't add any more songs! Any news about Paul's interview yesterday?

Elizabeth said...

i will have to get to this appts this you.